Thursday, March 24, 2011

exploratory measures...

hello everyone!  in this post, i'm gonna do something different.  i'm going to take you on a journey through the mind of... me.  what i do when i'm not carousing the public, in class, at a potluck, in a yoga practice, a joyous celebration, picking up leaves, and hanging around the baristas who patiently pour water in my glass bottle at the coffee shop.  this is what i do when i am bored.

1.) "and the water shall flow, with every forgiving day..."
a poem i wrote during holiday break:
"watch the water waves and stare"
the voices laugh and cackle
and mean, mister miser comes by and sails away

the people are laughing
and the children are coughing
where in china the winds are stirring
up hail and dust-bounty storms

the cistern is half-full, clocked open, mounds a' plenty
while she trembles and weeps
and these thorns cloud her curly eyes

the camera talks
seagulls gawk
don't honk at me, please
while i purr gently, hands in prayer

the road is blocked, red rivers runs clear
the sewer is dirty. this isn't Rome, my dear
12.22 1:45 am

2.) "mystical magical markers"
markers color my life.  not just the paper, not just my burrowing hands or curly hairs, or my friends coat.  EVERYWHERE.  like a ghost pouring out of a page, instead of lead bitterly marking it down...a poem i'm creating now, through colors and words..."markers"
Color my swamp, it swirls...

market my treasures and make me whole
bury me at wounded knee. dig my hole  
and take me away where the kindergard'ners go.
i am your warrior, your princess, your caspian desert. i beg, i plead.  make me your treasure.
'these forests of pasture', they don't know no good.  who's to say, i plead,
make me your stone.
what are colors, but numbers?
every fractal paints a picture.
let those good bells ring, that wondrous bobby do.
i'm laughing inside.  on the outside, i'm crying. i can't tell the difference.
do you? i'm lying.
Colors, i say, paint the pictures of our soul.  deserts of dreams. marcus and majesty.  'mark us your words. share us your soul.  take us to pastures of plenty and hoe.'  make me your kin, your desert, your bow.
under that awning, i can only stand still, and hope.
3. ) peace of peace.

i say, go.  what's wrong with throwing away paper?  nothing. spring break,

i see i colored you whole.

just take me to wonderland, where peace followers go.
"meditation tip of the day" forlorn, a stare.
4.) "hola"
"alll the pretty people" with nostrils, dirt and hair.
take me to mercy...

where doom's tides, beware.
5. ) and as these dust bowls heap, the dog strides in leaps.  cherries go away.  i stir up and say... "let us not weep.  let us color in and DREAM!"

☮, Lauren


  1. What a swirl of imagery, glorious! Tell me where is that little steam engine heading? My husband loves steam trains...

  2. that little steam train is heading to darjeeling, india! i believe to deliver some tasty hot tea..

  3. Hello Lauren

    Thank you for leading me to your lovely blog. I have taken leave of mine but hope to be back again soon. Thank you for the compliment on my blog. I am a Waldorf home schooling mom and have been for almost 6 years now. I have not studied Waldorf education in the traditional sense but I have a fountain of knowledge through reading Waldorf books and following the homeschooling curriculums available. Waldorf principles filter into our school and daily home lives that have inriched us beyond words. If you do go and study, do keep in touch. I am sure we have lots to share.

    Warm regards

  4. suzanne, you couldn't be any truer! i think the waldorf schools follow a wonderful model, and one loading the children of our world with comfort and love, instead of feeling pressured or scared or confused in our schools. i will certainly keep in touch! :)


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(live every day, like it's your first on earth...)

~ If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would pick more daisies. - Nadine Stair ~