so i'm going to post about what i did last night!
'so it started with a uke....'
i am a uke-aholic. there, i admit it, oh trusted soldier. i am addicted to the uke! i got this beauty a few weeks ago, discovered it under neath the muck and mud that is my lifestyle (or mounds of brown and mulberry-colored sweaters...), and decided to play it. this was late late friday night. 3 am, uke in hand. Go!
now when i say 'beginner' people, i really mean it. now let us begin again-o!
1.) Beirut, "The Penalty" (da da dahhhh) this is 'gold', by my own currency. by which i mean not really gold, but a beautiful blooming flower, easy to spot, easy to hold, easy to love. and easy to Learn to do those things. the penalty is rich, simple. a 'gold standard'?
here's yours truly, playing a piece of the sweet, golden pie...
and here's the real zinger (click on the pic) :
i then had a dream about fire hydrants and rum, until 'metanoia' came on and shifted my gears....
'holy, holy, holy'...
men in tights scare me.
but what doesn't??

and i learned a few more...
'sigh no more, no more...'
2. ) "Mumford and Sons"
there are two amazing songs i learned from this talented whisky and rye band. they also love fish, perhaps? well, "awake my soul" and "sigh no more" are simple, easy chords to play, and Fun! the band likes to start some songs (like these two, maties) out in a delicate sort 'a creamy broccoli soup (or somethin') way, and then progress like street bangers to a full-blown crunchy chip, smack in your face, eat them alll over the table, heart pounding, stomping, banjo-grabbing, rive. it's what i call, 'count me in'!
Side note, (pshhh...) : I'm sharing with you one of the secrets that kept me through finals at the end of fall semester, lasting 2 whole weeks of about 20 hours sleep. (it was strange, confusing, silly, bonkers, and tiring. and, yes, i thought a kid's laptop mouse clicker was an alien...) besides caffeine, bananas and laughs with friends, i watched mumford and sons youtubes to keep me on track. The one played a million times, (maybe 2 thousand...) is this one:
i actually left a comment, great balderdashes!
the second video?
you guessed it. 'sigh no more'
'Sigh no more' is particularly amazing to play on any stringed instrument, because of the deep watery rifts between 'beginning', and that smashing end. 'Sum said.
Finally, i need to share with you two great resources to learning any new song:
Youtube, and
i also have to credit this gal
she not only taught me my favorite songs by singing along as she played, but taught me the chord changes as she played, and Then posted the chords and matching lyrics in the info box. whoever said foxes were lame? (hound didn't...)
after you have your song in mind, i **suggest you learn the chords first, and Then search for youtubers who can show you how to cover the song in either 'uke' style or at least with the chords you now have in your pocket. then the trick of the test: play along! to covers, by yourself, to the original heroes. and hey, film yourself! sing along too. my floormates now refer to me as 'ukulele' girl, but i just say, 'why not?'
one more quick step (and the most important). spread the love. today, a mere few hours after releashing this beastly... thing, i'm going to play for my friends at this lovely/scatter-brained party tonight. obviously i don't 'have balls', so something must have worked. i call it... guts? and just livin' like there's no tomorrow.
like this guy! >>
now learn something new, be bold, and be ... furry? peace!
your trooper, lauren ☮
Hey! Thanks for your delightful comment :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I totally agree... it's strange and sad to think how people aren't even eating food these days, they're eating numbers. Mmmm, that's some good yellow #6!
Very inspiration! I have also written about Ukulele For Beginners